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About the SIT TESOL Certificate Course
The SIT course pervades practical training in which the
participants develop skills in planning lessons and teaching speaking,
listening, reading, writing, grammar and the culture of English. The workshop
sessions are highly interactive and experiential in nature. The course
includes planning lessons and teaching fifteen hours of classes to "real"
ESOL students. The trainers will observe you teaching and give "hands-on"
advice after each session.
The TESOL Certificate Course addresses three areas
1. Participants explore the relationship between
language learning and teaching, which later provides the foundation for
their investigation of teaching.
2. Participants plan, teach and assess lessons in the four skills (speaking,
listening, reading and writing), grammar, and culture, through experiential
activities, teaching demonstrations, discussions, lesson planning, and
3. Participants put their new knowledge and skills into practice through
daily practice teaching sessions. Trainers observe and facilitate feedback
sessions after these lessons. From them, participants learn to reflect
on and assess their own teaching as well as to learn from the teaching
of their peers.